The National Party is changing. The modern party is inclusive, diverse, down-to-earth, and egalitarian.
At least that’s the narrative John Key and Bill English have been pushing for most of the last decade and there’s plenty of evidence that the claims are more than just rhetoric. This can be seen in the caucus demographics, which are far from being the preserve of rich, white, middle-aged men.
But then along came Aaron Gilmore. He’s just seriously set back the modernising cause of National Party leaders, and revealed an underbelly of old conservative privilege that is very unfashionable. This is why Gilmore is about to pushed under a bus (metaphorically) by his National colleagues.
As Colin Espiner, says, ‘The trouble for National is that Gilmore has played up to exactly the sort of born-to-rule Tory, I'm-more-important-than-you stereotype that John Key has worked so hard to dismantle’ – see Espiner’s excellent column, explaining how Gilmore broke the two golden rules for MPs: 'Happy' Gilmore's political career likely to be brief.
Since the initial Hanmer Spring incident became public further stories have emerged. Andrea Vance has written about ‘allegations of sleazy conduct towards a woman at his infamous boozy dinner’, and has quoted a ‘senior party source’ saying that ‘Something did go on that wasn't appropriate’ and ‘This is a very serious matter’ – see:
PM facing calls to deal to MP. Kathryn Powley has uncovered a another recent situation in which Gilmore has been said to be using the don't-you-know-who-I-am line – see:
Tenants accuse Gilmore of unfair tactics in house fight.
What will happen to Gilmore now? Audrey Young says ‘Aaron Gilmore has no future with the National Party. The only question is when the end will come - now or at next year's list selection process’. She also explains why the PM is taking Gilmore at his word over the Hamner incident – see:
Versions of boozy incident are so different that the party's over for MP. Andrew Geddis details what Gilmore has done wrong in his post,
Not so happy Gilmore. But, the best account of what has gone on, and what is likely to happen can be found in Matthew Hooton’s
Why Aaron Gilmore should resign, but won’t. Hooton argues that Gilmore would be best to go now, and he outlines the politician’s failings and unpopularity within the party.
With Gilmore’s less than appealing personality being revealed, many are asking how the National Party put someone like him on its party list. Part of the explanation can be found in a very good Herald editorial,
Governments can unravel from bottom. The key part is this: ‘The fact he is in Parliament suggests National's list exceeds its depth of presentable candidates. While that reflects badly on the party it might also be a sign that this country is too small for the size of its Parliament. The National and Labour Parties are our main vehicles for people with political ambitions. While neither has its mass membership levels of old, both ought not be short of people of the right calibre for public life’. That’s the reality – all New Zealand political parties are merely shells of their former selves, with very unhealthy levels of membership and participation. As the editorial points out, political parties are all too often used by political careerists as stepping stones for personal advancement and enrichment. The explosive growth of executive salaries in both the public and private sector over the last decade means that many experienced and talented individuals who, in the past, became MPs now baulk at the massive pay drop going to Parliament means.
Danyl McLauchlan explains more of the puzzle of Aaron Gilmore in his excellent blogpost,
The Marks. Quite simply, the modern parties are merely shells of their former selves, in which low-quality career politicians are given list positions as a payback to campaign for the party vote in unwinnable seats: ‘Gilmore ran in a Labour Party safe seat. Now, the National Party knows that if they run candidates in their opposition’s safe seats then it boosts their party vote, and the party vote is really the only vote that counts. But campaigning for a seat is an expensive and time-consuming exercise, so no intelligent, aspiring politician is going to take six months off work, hit up all their friends and relatives for fund-raising, or pay for all their billboards themselves if they have no chance of actually winning that seat or making it in on the list. Enter Aaron Gilmore, and hundreds of aspiring candidates just like him who are essentially just mugs that their parties are scamming for cash’.
David Farrar has also commented on Gilmore’s list position, suggesting it was too high, and that the problem is National’s policy of protecting its incumbent MPs by ranking them higher than solid newcomers – see:
List ranking.
Of course, it’s not just National that is being damaged and embarrassed by the Gilmore minor scandal – it’s the institution of Parliament as well as electoral politics in general. Blogger Pete George points out that ‘Many people outside politics view all MPs in the same light – dimly. Gilmore reinforces a wider impression that all MPs are arrogant and full of self importance’ and that ‘He is a symptom of the lack of depth of quality of MPs in Parliament’ – see:
The Gilmore damage. The overall effect will be to reduce the standing of politics, and to discourage people from getting involved. The Manawatu Standard editorial backs this view, saying ‘In one unfortunate incident, National MP Aaron Gilmore has managed to embody virtually all the perceived negative qualities of politicians the public loathes. Arrogant, narcissistic, with a lust for power and influence’ – see:
Gilmore epitome of boorishness.
Other recent important or interesting items include the following:
* The business reaction to the Labour-Green NZ Power proposal has been strong. When will reaction come to Labour’s policy of reducing the value of houses? See Bernard Hickey’s
Calm before policy storm.
* The share offer for Mighty River Power has closed, and John Roughan argues that Labour and the Greens have helped investors make a tidy profit off the taxpayer by lowering the opening share price – see:
Discount the politics and buy.
* It's only about a week until the Government’s Budget is announced. Corin Dann outlines what he expects – see:
Expect a brighter Budget.
* Friday was World Press Freedom Day, and the Press Freedom Index showed that New Zealand was ranked 13 out of 197 countries – see Beith Atkinson’s
Press Freedom in New Zealand unchanged. The Dominion Post also celebrated by the day by pointing out the importance of the media’s self-regulation and arguing that the country’s lack of political corruption is linked to the strength of the media – see:
Free press is free of political interference.
* It’s not known if MP Aaron Gilmore took part, but a recent survey of MPs shows that ‘MPs are more extroverted than the general population’ – see Mark Blackham’s
NZ Politicians more extrovert.
Bryce Edwards
Aaron Gilmore
Neil Reid (Stuff): Hotel won't lodge complaint over MP
Parekura Horomia
Peter Dunne
Georgina Beyer
Local government
Foreign investment
Inequality, poverty, and unemployment
Defense and the military
Education and Novopay
John Ansell (Treatygate): NZ Teachers Council insist learners are now ‘akonga’
Holly Walker
Law and Order