Here's a selection of various Twitter reactions to David Parker being nominated as Deputy Leader of the Labour Party by David Cunliffe (and Mallard sacked as Opposition Leader of the House) - all in reverse chronological order.
Jessica Williams @mizjwilliams
Robertson in Critic:"I managed a band called Too Many Daves .." …
Jessica Williams @mizjwilliams
(cont) GR: "we’ve struggled with so many Davids in the caucus that yes,only having one will be a lot easier for people." (ht @bryce_edwards)
Breaking; Labour to rebrand to Davbour. All MPs required to change name or face sack.
So Dave C replaced Dave S, & Dave P now deputy. Is it ironic that Grant R – now sidelined – once managed a band called ‘Too Many Daves’?
@bryce_edwards Amazing. I heard RNZ's Brent Edwards saying same thing to Brian Edwards who got quoted in Bryce Edwards' political roundup.
@bryce_edwards It's a good thing David Caygill didn't name his son Jr. Else we'd have a 5th David in Labour soon.
hamish mcneilly @southernscoop
David Parker: Not Given Lightly
Parker at No2 signals, despite the rhetoric, that there will be no substantial change in Labour's economic policies.
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery
Nominating Parker signals that the election is about the economy. But Parker isn't a communicator. He should've been kept at number 3
A Mallard capsized near San Francisco Bay last night
Steve Braunias @SteveBraunias
Cunliffe and Parker! Excellent. They serious, they smart. I like this new Labour train with Mallard's and Robertson's blood on the tracks
'In San Francisco watching a boat race' is a pretty awesome time to publicly sack someone
so Labour leader Cunliffe has sacked Robertson, sacked Mallard and replaced him with Robertson, and sacked Chris Hipkins as chief whip.
Mallard loses shadow leader of the house role to Robertson. Unclear exactly how he was told. Cunliffe says he tried all means to contact him
@patrickgowernz Cunliffe getting all his ducks in a row but Mallard to be culled.
Jonathan Mosen @JonathanMosen
So if the David who just replaced David's unavailable, a completely different David will substitute for David. We clear? #Labour
Dan Satherley / KOSH @radioovermoscow
Cunliffe might as well nominate Russel Norman for deputy, if he's being realistic.
Is Parker really such a bad choice? He won Otago in 2002, a true blue seat. You don't do that without campaign chops. #politics
So will the caucus go along with Cunliffe's recommendation, or go "nah, we want Robertson as deputy, you're stuck with him"?
@LewSOS No,can't happen if Robertson doesn't stand. Parker will be the only one standing. (not literally, but you never know in that caucus)
Jessica Williams @mizjwilliams
Caucus could still rebel on this, mind. They could reject Cunliffe's recommendation. Not saying they will, but wouldn't that be interesting?
@dpfdpf Robertson can be seen to be 'in the fold' yet in a position where he doesn't have to be the loyal lieutenant. Ideal for him really
Martyn Bradbury @CitizenBomber
Parker as Deputy - I called it
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closed out.
Pundits need to remind themselves that Labour’s deputy leader will not be Deputy Prime Minister in a coalition govt. Not that big a prize.
David Parker as deputy? Really? Blergh.
Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz
Cunliffe told Mallard 'don't come Monday' by voicemail . Mallard on junket in San Francisco.
Michael Parkin @Michael_Parkin
PM says David Parker is a poor communicator, too "pointy headed"
Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz
Parker has done well. Thought to have switched votes from Robertson to Cunliffe on second pref. Clearly worked for him.
.@grantrobertson1 is to be applauded. He is the Gerry Brownlee circa Key/English post-Brash. And I mean that in the kindest way possible.
Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz
Parker's appointment as deputy ahead of Robertson shows Cunliffe and Labour having difficulty uniting.
"It's a 2-D Labour Party leadership"
So did Robertson decline to be Cunliffe's Deputy or did he offer and Cunliffe said no?
I vote for #Punliffe MT @LI_politico: Will there be couple names? David2x, Punliffe, Cunker?? I like David2x, shortened to just 2x. #nzpol
@LewSOS @li_politico You seem to have missed "Carker" off your list. Also I suspect the media will enjoy "D2" or similar.
Will there be couple names? David2x, Punliffe, Cunker?? I like David2x, shortened to just 2x. Sounds like a mean street name.
So Grant Robertson dumped as Deputy Leader for David Parker. Hardly the unity that was talked about!
Strategic error in Robertson taking Leader of the House if he wants to drop the Beltway image. On the other hand, get on your bike Mallard.
Odds on Mallard being Speaker after the 2014? Slim to fuck-all I imagine. #nzpol
Parker is nomination. But caucus expected to rubber stamp.
Being David Cunliffe's Finance Minister #shittyjobs
I guess we now know what Parker's second preference cost
My pick for top 4: David Cunliffe, David Parker, David Shearer, David Clark. Followed by a "David Ban" because David's are over-represented.