NZX head of markets jumps ship
The high staff turnover at the stock exchange continued yesterday with senior NZX executive Fiona Mackenzie announcing her departure to join the Super Fund
The high staff turnover at the stock exchange continued yesterday with senior NZX executive Fiona Mackenzie announcing her departure to join the Super Fund
The high staff turnover at the stock exchange continued yesterday with senior NZX executive Fiona Mackenzie announcing her departure to join the Super Fund.
Ms MacKenzie took over as NZX head of markets in May last year in place of Geoff Brown, who quit suddenly following a family bereavement.
In March this year she also took over as chief financial officer when Justin Bgoni quit after just 11 months in the role.
NZX said Ms Mackenzie would leave the stock exchange in September to take up a new role as head of investments at the Auckland-based New Zealand Superannuation Fund.
Prior to assuming the head of markets role, Ms Mackenzie was head of liquidity and traded products, and also headed NZX's Auckland office and its derivatives market initiative.
She helped establish the NZX Dairy Futures Market, now the most liquid dairy futures market worldwide.
With an MBA and experience from senior positions at the likes of Deloitte, Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse, Ms Mackenzie’s departure would be a big blow for the NZX, but chief executive Mark Weldon looked on the bright side.
“We are delighted to see Fiona moving to a role that has so much synergy with her NZX experience,” he said.
“NZX looks forward to working with Fiona to establish a closer relationship between our two critical capital market institutions,” Mr Weldon said.
“Obviously there will be many opportunities for NZX and the Super Fund to work together more closely in the future, and I am excited to take a position to drive that relationship forward for the betterment of the markets.”
Mr Weldon said NZX would look to both internal and external candidates as potential successors for Ms Mackenzie’s role over the next few months.
NZX made the announcement one trading day after the company held its annual meeting in Wellington on Friday.