OneNews reporter flirts with disaster
You might have heard about a OneNews reporter dropping the F-bomb yesterday, and getting a little hubba hubba with presenter Rawdon Christie.
You might have heard about a OneNews reporter dropping the F-bomb yesterday, and getting a little hubba hubba with presenter Rawdon Christie.
You might have heard about a OneNews reporter dropping the F-bomb yesterday, and getting a little hubba hubba with presenter Rawdon Christie.
Now - or at least until TVNZ edges it off - the offending clip is on YouTube.
The incident - originally highlighted by blogger @DanNews - occurred during TVNZ’s online stream of Auckland’s historic Bird Cage pub being moved.
Problem: no-one seemed to have told reporter Ruth Wynn-Williams that live video from the endless event was being shown on the broadcaster’s website.
Oblivious, Ms Wynn-Williams goofs around, flirts with Mr Christie, and uses the F-word as she prepares for a OneNews live cross.
If this is the future of cross-platform content, Private Bin says: it's f###ing* entertaining. More, please.
* That's "flipping" in case you were wondering, kids.