Paid parental leave payments to rise
Paid parental leave will increase from July 1 by $17.20 a week, the Government said today.
Paid parental leave will increase from July 1 by $17.20 a week, the Government said today.
Paid parental leave will increase from July 1 by $17.20 a week, the Government said today.
The rate is adjusted each year in line with any increase in average weekly earnings, and Labour Minister Kate Wilkinson said the maximum would go up from $441.62 a week to $458.82.
The minimum payment for self-employed parents will increase from $127.50 a week to $130 a week.
Parents eligible for paid parental leave are entitled to up to 14 weeks paid leave.
"The arrival of a new baby is a major event for any family and any increase in financial support at this time is always helpful," Ms Wilkinson said.