Real estate agents disciplinary tribunal has new head
Judge Paul Barber has been appointed chairperson of the Real Estate Agents Disciplinary Tribunal, associate Justice Minister Nathan Guy announced today.
Judge Paul Barber has been appointed chairperson of the Real Estate Agents Disciplinary Tribunal, associate Justice Minister Nathan Guy announced today.
Judge Paul Barber has been appointed chairperson of the Real Estate Agents Disciplinary Tribunal, associate Justice Minister Nathan Guy announced today.
Mr Barber was a District Court Judge from 1981 until 1997, principally as Taxation Review Authority, and has held the position of Pharmacy Authority.
Since 1997 he has held Taxation Review Authority and Customs Appeal Authority positions, and has been hearing Accident Compensation Appeals since 2001.
Mr Barber replaces former Judge Michael Hobbs who served two years as Chairperson.