Sir Ron takes a bite out of retailer
The NBR Rich Lister has acquired a 5.72% stake in Kirdcaldie & Stains.
The NBR Rich Lister has acquired a 5.72% stake in Kirdcaldie & Stains.
Sir Ron Brierley has become a substantial shareholder in retailer Kirkcaldie & Stains.
According to a statement filed to the NZX, Sir Ron has acquired 586,754 shares giving him a 5.72% stake.
The NBR Rich Lister reached the 5% substantial shareholder level after acquiring 128,141 shares for $365,201 on September 9.
The price paid by Sir Ron gives a per-share price of $2.85.
According to he NZX, the September 9 sale is the largest transfer of KRK stock in at least two years.