Southerners more distrustful of councils
Most New Zealanders trust their councils to ensure that buildings meet the building code and are safe. Not so in Christchurch.
Most New Zealanders trust their councils to ensure that buildings meet the building code and are safe. Not so in Christchurch.
Most New Zealanders generally trust their councils to ensure that buildings meet the building code and are safe.
Unsurprisingly, fewer people in Christchurch believe this, according to a survey by Research New Zealand.
In the case of commercial buildings, 74% in Auckland are confident, 67% in Wellington and 44% in Canterbury.
For residential buildings, the experience of the leaky building syndrome saw a relatively low level of confidence in Auckland at 64%, contrasting with Wellington, where confidence is highest at 82%.
“It is perhaps not surprising that it is rather lower in Canterbury at 57% given the devastation caused by the earthquakes,” Research New Zealand director Emanuel Kalafatelis said.
The Research New Zealand poll of 490 people aged 18 and over was conducted by telephone in February. The maximum margin of error for the sample as a whole is plus or minus 4.7% (at the 95% confidence level).