Suddenly, Shearer softens on Cunliffe
Labour leader offers his challenger new hope.
Labour leader offers his challenger new hope.
Labour leader David Shearer has suddenly softened to challenger David Cunliffe - dropping a strong hint the New Lynn MP could return to the front bench if he renounces any claim on the top job.
Just four days after his Alpha Male move to demote one-time finance spokesman, Mr Shearer gave him new hope when interviewed on TV3's The Nation today.
"I have an enormous amount of respect for him; his knowledge around the economic issues and his knowledge of the politics that surround economic issues. He’s very talented," Mr Shearer said.
"I would like to have him in a high position and that door is certainly open to him
"He just needs to put his head down and work for the team, for all of the caucus. Let’s put ambition aside."