13 mins to read

Top tweets about changing the New Zealand flag

Bryce Edwards
Thu, 30 Jan 2014

This is a selection of some of the tweets about John Key’s suggestion that New Zealand changes its flag. The tweets below are in (rough) reverse chronically order – the most recent tweets are first. More will be added.

Chris Keall @ChrisKeall

How about this: Key and Abbott do paper/scissors/rock. Loser has to change their country's flag


Encyclopedia of NZ ‏@Te_Ara

The Ministry for Culture & Heritage regularly gets new flag ideas from the public. Here are some from back in the day …


Massey University ‏@Massey_Uni_News

Black and white flag would be a mistake 


Anthony Dowling ‏@AntDowling

Flag Selection by referendum is a silly idea, may not get the 'best flag', end up being like NZ Idol where not necessarily the best wins


Dovil ‏@Dovil

Flag Debate Drags Nation Into Civil War.


Mike Dickison ‏@adzebill

Everyone’s a flag designer! Amateur vexillologists might want to study up on what makes a good flag: …


Patrick Reynolds ‏@pv_reynolds

We already have a well designed + distinctive flag that predates the current one: …


Simon Bradwell ‏@simonbradwellnz

If the NZ flag is going to be dumbed down to just a logo, why not just slap a kiwi on there and be done with it


Encyclopedia of NZ ‏@Te_Ara

In 1967 Clark Titman was probably the 1st person to raise changing the NZ flag. He really kicked something off! 


Nicholas Ross Smith ‏@1NRSmith

Just throwing it out there, but as well as a new flag, New Zealand should get a new national anthem, one which is secular...


Rob Isaac ‏@rmi

"Bold, iconic, non-racialist, and a potent symbol of our national future," said Joyce of the proposed flag design.


NZHistory ‏@NZHistory

Looks like we might need to update our NZ Flag Debate page soon: ‏@newscomauHQ

New Zealand is thinking about replacing its national flag. Do you think it needs a makeover? |


National Library NZ ‏@NLNZ

This seems like a nice flag. Let's just go with this.  #tbreaktweets


Gareth Hughes ‏@GarethMP

A new flag would be cool. An end to mass spying & new foreign policy that does good for global poverty, the climate & peace would be better


Dovil ‏@Dovil

My submission for the new flag:


Dene Mackenzie ‏@mackersline

@kiwidaveg Starting from Richie McCaw, each new All Black captain should be on the flag. No surrender there. #nzflag


Encyclopedia of NZ ‏@Te_Ara

John Key has revived the NZ flag debate. Get the low-down on the national flag & others in our Flags entry 


Lew ‏@LewSOS

If we end up with a black flag, we're gonna need Henry Rollins to compose us a new national anthem


Martyn Bradbury ‏@CitizenBomber

John Key's NZ Flag after TPPA


Dave Armstrong ‏@malosilima

See that guy in the suit? Brought back knighthoods but wants the Union Jack off our flag.#welcometofantasyisland


Immanuel Can't ‏@AceMcWicked

Rather than a national flag, why don't we have a national vision and mission statement and a set of Key Performance Indicators.


kingjohn ‏@kingjohnkeyIII

Poverty. Education. Housing. National Debt. Asset Sales. Biosecurity. Water Pollution. OOH LOOK THERES A PRETTY FLAG!


Alex Coleman ‏@ShakingStick

We should have a referendum to see if Australia should change their flag.


Hekia P ‏@HardCoreHekia

Amazing the number of media who've stopped asking me about our education policy since we started talking about changing the flag. #ChoiceAs


The Egonomist ‏@TheEgonomist

Also, in the 21st century what's keeping us from having an animated flag?


Hamish Keith ‏@hamish_keith

It would have to be a monster flag to hide 270,000 hungry children


Bounder ‏@DawgBelly

When I hear ppl say things like "men died for that flag" I think well, that was a bit bloody stupid wasnt it...


Giovanni Tiso ‏@gtiso

The RSA wants a say on the design of the flag, on semi-fascistic grounds. What about giving tangata whenua a say instead?


Alex Coleman ‏@ShakingStick

John Key thinks the NZ flag is easily confused with Australia's & would like to change it to one that might be confused with Al Qaeda's.


Clint Smith ‏@ClintVSmith5h

When Canada changed its flag, they took public submissions & had a parliamentary committee. Key wants to choose w Joyce behind Cabinet doors


Alex Coleman ‏@ShakingStick

Could someone plz, plz, ask the PM why he 'has to decide' about a flag ref given there hasn't been a CIR petition that's gained any traction

Alex Coleman ‏@ShakingStick

@LI_politico I know. 'conservative PM rly wants to change flag, retain monarchy; because patriotism, Australia day, and All blacks' #pissoff


Suzanne Duncan ‏@HuhanaDuncan

Getting a flag to match our rugby team? Clever.


Lachlan Forsyth ‏@LachlanForsyth

Re: flag debate, I know it's NZ's de facto dress code, but let's not be afraid of a bit of colour eh? A black flag? Zzzz #FlagIt


David Slack ‏@DavidSlack

Well of course he wants a silver fern on a black background. He has a beige house in Omaha. Here's the flag you want


MΔNDRID ‏@SeanNorling

What about Hotere's "Black Union Jack" as a flag option? Got to be better than something that signifies our national obsession w/ sport.


Bounder ‏@DawgBelly

Asked whether a flag debate could overshadow the Govt's messages abt more important issues, Mr Key said "Yes, thats why Im doing it."


Alex Coleman ‏@ShakingStick

we should have the world's first flag that is a gif of a kitten in a gumboot.


KOSH / Dan Satherley ‏@radioovermoscow

My pick for the new flag


KOSH / Dan Satherley ‏@radioovermoscow

If I had friends who died 'under a flag' so to speak, I don't think I'd ever want to see that flag again.


Dave ‏@caffeine_addict

No we dont need a referendum on the flag John Key. We`ll ignore your referendum. You ignored ours.


Paul S Allen ‏@paulusthebrit

Of all issues why raise the flag?! (pun intended) it is just a divisive distraction in election year from real issues like poverty, jobs etc


Keith Quinn ‏@KeithQuinn88

Let's be the first of the big 'Down Under' countries (ie; NZ or Oz) to finally shake off Mother Country from our flag. It HAS to happen!


Philip Matthews ‏@secondzeit

This is the other flag option, apparently.


Ali Ikram ‏@AliIkram

Sell 49% of the NZ flag. Mucho dinero!


Ali Ikram ‏@AliIkram

Flag will be John Key riding a gryphon by Friday.


Clint Smith ‏@ClintVSmith

Key's flag referendum clearly an attempt to distract from poverty, mortgage rates. Transparent. Won't play well with traditionalists either


Martyn Bradbury ‏@CitizenBomber

We have far more important issues in NZ than changing the flag


Metiria Turei ‏@metiria

God, please don't let Tony Ryall design the flag! #nzqt #NZCountryofDisco


Paul Harper ‏@paulharper_nzh

New New Zealand flag?


David Fisher ‏@DFisherJourno

I think we should have an all black flag, modeled on the OIA responses I get, to represent how open our public sector is. #OpenGovernment


kingjohn ‏@kingjohnkeyIII

New Zealand flag should be a silver fern on a black background, and we'll pay royalties to The All Blacks at every flag hoisting.


Toby Manhire ‏@toby_etc

As part of coalition agreement, Winston Peters wins right to choose new flag for the


Laura McQuillan ‏@mcquillanatorz

Okay, so it's just a rough concept, but maybe a change of flag is a good idea?


Danyl Mclauchlan ‏@danylmc

Yesterday: Hone Harawira. Today: Change the flag? Tomorrow's gotta be boat people or Key calling for a debate on the cutest weather-girl


Jorde ‏@JordanMcCluskey

Changing the flag would mean a lot to me, but I would rather we focussed on economic growth, the surplus and environmental protection


Liam Kernaghan ‏@liamkernaghan

We could have spent the week talking about Labour banning Facebook. Now we will spend it deciding which colours should be on our flag.


Nikki Kaye ‏@nikkikaye

Do you think we should change our NZ flag? I would personally vote yes for change 


Bryce Edwards
Thu, 30 Jan 2014
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Top tweets about changing the New Zealand flag