$#*! My Dad Says will screen as part of TVNZ’s 2011 new season lineup, the state broadcaster announced today.
The sitcom, starring William Shatner as a retired doctor who constantly bestows expletive-laden advice on his son, is based on, the eponymous Twitter-stream of one Justin Halpern.
Mr Halpern gained more than 1.8 million followers on the social network by relaying his Jewish dad’s one-liners in his tweets.
The Twitter account was repackaged as a best-selling book and, now, the series starring Mr Shatner (often pronounced Bleep My Dad Says in the US, but written as the full, saltier Shit My Dad Says in TVNZ’s announcement).
The CBS series, from the makers of Arrested Development, is still just nine episodes old but has reportedly achieved double the ratings of 30 Rock.
In the US, the show caused a mini-controversy about swearing (covered by Salon here), despite CBS promos callling it "Bleep My Dad Says" (as it the word bleep, not the sound).
It'll be interesting to see if TVNZ takes an earthier approach. Certainly, it is in its press material, at least.
Check out the show's official site here (don't try the video highlights, they're geo-blocked, least the show develop any international buzz. What would the real-life Mr Halpern have to say about that?).
TVNZ only seems to have one new comedy or drama in development - Nothing Trivial, from the creators of Karl du Fresne's secret favourite Go Girls - but NBR lives in hope that $#*! Tau Henare Says is in the works (if there's a Twitter-stream you'd like to see turned into a series, by all means leave a comment below. Big prize to follow.)
See the full spiel about the TV One and TV2 2011 line-up here.
NBR staff
Mon, 08 Nov 2010