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Who got that job? - Digital advisor, NZ Cricket

New to the crease for @BlackCaps.

Chris Keall
Sat, 06 Apr 2013

JOB: Digital and communication advisor, New Zealand Cricket (including wrangling @BlackCaps and

WHO GOT IT?: Me, Richard Irvine.

What was your last role, and where?: Social media manager at Telecom.

I was the first full-time person in that role there, and saw a lot of action, between various crisis and issues. It was a lot of fun, and a good chance to shape the role as I saw fit etc, with it being so new. It was very 'always on' and, erm, never boring.

Where were you before that? Telecom Wholesale. I`d been at Telecom a hair under ten years in a variety of roles. Prior to that, I was doing something feckless in Dublin on my OE.

What attracted you to your new job? Sport and cricket in particular is EXTREMELY relevant to my interests, and being able to combine it with the social/ digital/comms fields was very appealing indeed.

I'm certain that 8-year old cricket crazed Richard would approve of my new career path.

What do you do, day to day? Write match reports, draw up content plans, chat to fans on Twitter and Facebook, help with any comms issues of the day.

Obviously during the cricket season it`s all happening, and now the home series is over, we`re knuckling down to some planning before the return series with England mid-year.

Chris Keall
Sat, 06 Apr 2013
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Who got that job? - Digital advisor, NZ Cricket