From tomorrow (Friday 3 December 2010) those who sign up to a postpaid XT account will be able to use a "Voicemail Viewer" - a feature reminiscent of the "Visual Voicemail" long coveted by some Vodafone NZ customers who've seen the service in action on Vodafone Australia's network.
Instead of an ‘icon’ appearing on your mobile when you have a voice message, you will receive a free text message if you’ve missed a call.
The text message lets you see who called, what time the message was left, and the length of the message.
Rather than go through all your messages sequentially, Voicemail Viewer leads you directly to the messages you want to listen to, Telecom said.
The service - unique to Telecom - is only available to new XT contract customers at this point.
Telecom will contact all existing XT postpaid and prepaid customer about moving to Voicemail Viewer from February, the company said.