TV3 ad spoof ponders 'bromance'
Just when you thought TV news programming had been shaken up enough, Duncan Garner and Guyon Espiner embark on 3rd Degree. With VIDEO.
Just when you thought TV news programming had been shaken up enough, Duncan Garner and Guyon Espiner embark on 3rd Degree. With VIDEO.
Brace yourselves.
The pundits who have written exhaustively over current affairs show Seven Sharp are about to get more cannon fodder.
It is TV3's show 3rd Degree, which starts on Wednesday night.
The story doesn't have the same allure considering it is not the state broadcaster and the beloved 7pm slot, but the show's promo has already been lampooned on YouTube.
The spoof video talks of "forbidden love" and ponders if the bromance will "flourish under the hot studio lights".
All good smirk-worthy stuff.
History of worthy news shows
TV3 shouldn't be surprised it was so quickly ripped off – the ad is cheesy.
"We are going to get flak for this," says an earnest Guyon Espiner, to which an expressive Duncan Garner replies: "I don't care!"
If the figures involved weren't so credible the ad might be a put-off.
TV3 has a history of worthy news shows, including Firstline and the former TVNZ7 show, Media3.
While the Sunday night current affairs shows on TVNZ and TV3 have been condensed and moved, it's good to see further thought given to news programming – especially for more camera time to big-hitter Mr Espiner.
I'm looking forward to seeing what 3rd Degree delivers.
Entertainment/news crossover
Beyond current affairs, satire is another pillar of democracy. That's why I enjoyed McPhail and Gadsby so much. That kind of political satire is sorely missed.
In the US, Jon Stewart's The Daily Show seems to have nailed the entertainment/news crossover and is insanely popular.
My favourite piece is from 2006, covering the episode when US vice-president Dick Cheney shot a friend in the face while hunting.
The story is manna from heaven for the show, which makes serious political points through the gags.
Stephen Colbert's speech at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner – across the table from President George W Bush – is worth a look, as is The Tonight Show's presidential jeopardy episode.
Back to 3rd Degree.
It is likely to be a worthy addition to TV3's roster of news programmes but New Zealand TV would be well-served by a Daily Show-style programme.
Some might say 7 Days fills that news/comedy crossover but the format is too jokey and seemingly scripted, and lacks intellectual grunt.
While there has been a lot of tinkering with news formats already this year, a really gutsy TV company would take a crack at something like the Daily Show.