A second poll has shown a jump in support for Labour since David Cunliffe took over as leader.
A new Roy Morgan Poll shows a significant boost to Labour support (37%, up 4.5% since August 26-September 8, 2013) after David Cunliffe was elected as the new Labour Leader two weeks ago.
A Herald Digipoll released Wednesday last week had Labour up 6.8 points to 37.7%.
And the latest private poll conducted for Labour by UMR, which has been widely leaked, reportedly has National on 39, Labour 36, the Green on 14 and NZ First on 5.1%.
On Roy Morgan's numbers, a potential Labour/ Greens alliance (48.5%, up 1%) retains a large lead over John Key’s National Party 42% (up 1%).
Support for Key’s Coalition partners has changed little with the Maori Party 1% (unchanged), ACT NZ 0.5% (down 0.5%) and United Future 0.5% (unchanged).
The latest NZ Roy Morgan Government Confidence Rating has jumped to 129.5 (up 12.5pts) with 59% (up 6.5%) of New Zealanders saying New Zealand is ‘heading in the right direction’ compared to 29.5% (down 6%) that say New Zealand is ‘heading in the wrong direction’. The apparent confidence in the government's policies suggest Labour's leadership change could be a factor in its bounce.
The poll was conducted by telephone – both landline and mobile telephone, with a NZ wide cross-section of 934 electors from September 16-29, 2013 (Mr Cunliffe was named Labour's new leader September 15). Of all electors surveyed a high 5% (down 1%) didn’t name a party.