Chair and CEO concede they didn’t pay enough attention to suppliers’ and politicians’ concerns.
Best deal administrators could get sees Godfrey's assets bought by owner's other company and employees' full entitlements paid.
‘You have to know when it's time to call time,’ retail analyst says, as the environment for retailers continues to deteriorate.
As retailer celebrates 50 years in operation, it has made key investments to support future growth and store security.
It's the latest in a string of unfortunate events for the retail sector.
A hard and gloomy winter could lie ahead for retailers.
The incorporated society with 24 stores is shifting its strategy away from brick and mortar.
Media reports suggest a buyer for the troubled brand’s local operations has not been forthcoming.
Despite multiple indicative offers a buyer for the long-standing business could not be secured.
More than half of its stores have been closed and a significant number of staff dismissed in a ‘fairly harsh approach’ from liquidator.